Wednesday, September 3, 2008

9.3.08 Warm Up

1. I noticed that many people's families had unique names for various household appliances. A number of people had different names for the fridge, the remote control, or various rooms in the house. Many of these names were backed by a story about a young person who coined the term in a moment of curiosity.
2. Language in the family setting seems to be much less formal than it is in almost any other language environment. Families grew up together, so members can often be understood by other relatives without using proper English, without completing their thoughts, or even without using "real" words.
3. To be an "insider" in terms of language means that one readily understands the language used when one is speaking to them. Being an insider means that a thought may be conveyed without thoroughly describing it aloud. As a future teacher, this may cause issues in the classroom for it can be hard to tell students that their language is "wrong", and often times we may not even have the right to do so. Instead, we have to help them understand when to use Standard English and when it's okay to use the language that they typically would use with their family and friends.

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